Lecturas recomendadas por Juan

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Winters, Alan and Shahid Yusuf. Dancing with Giants. China, India, and the Global Economy. Washington DC: The World Bank – Institute of Policy Estudies, 2007.

"The experience of China and India in the 1980s and 1990s underline, first, the importante of governance for growth and, second, the importante for good governance outcomes of instituctional and political arrangements that enable government leaders to make credible promises to a large fraction of their citizenry. Both of these countries only started to grow after they improved their governance environments from low levels. Although governance outcomes in both countries generally have been average, the two countries make clear the challenges of achieving even average outcomes, whether in countries with competitive election or in countries without them. China has reached a delicate balance between satisfying party members and the population as a whole, while institutionalizing competition between leaders at the top of the party, that has eluded leaders in other countries. Governance in India has advanced despite the shadow of clientelist politics that diminish political incentives to maintain it. Both countries highligth the role of political checks and balances, whether between parties or branches of government, as in India, or between factions of a party, as in China."


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